M.D. Squared

Originally written for Bittersweet Border Morris, and revived, with some figure name changes for us.
A - Magic Fish
B - Chorus
A - Petronellas
B - Chorus
A - Hole in the Wall
B - Chorus
A - Trust Exercise
B - Chorus
A - Friends and Lovers
B - Chorus
1-2: Everyone pass across the set by the right shoulder by lunging left into a line of 4 up and down (2nd corners are meeting in the middle, 1st corners facing out at the end of the line) with a loud "Hoo", then bouncing back into place
3-4: Everyone pass up and down the set by the left shoulder by lunging right into a line of 4 up and down (1st corners are meeting in the middle, 2nd corners facing out at the end of the line) with a loud "Ha", then bouncing back into place
5-6: 1st corners strike the ground with the butt of the sticks, then throw on 6 to each other. Meanwhile, 2nd corners make a large arc overhead to strike the ground diagonally outside the set
7-8: 2nd corners strike the ground with the butt of the sticks, then throw on 8 to each other. Meanwhile, 1st corners make a large arc overhead to strike the ground diagonally outside the set
9-10: Everyone lunge into the centre of the set with a loud "Hoo" and back-turn to face out
11-12: Take a step forward and turn right on 12
13-14: Chase clockwise halfway
15-and-16: Stamp right foot, left foot then punch stick into the air with a loud "Ha"
Throughout this dance, there is a common feature which shall be known as the "signature move". This is always on beats 3-4, 7-8, 11-12 and 15-16 of each figure, although not every dancer dances them each time. The move consists of planting the right foot while clashing forehand on the first beat, and then throwing the stick to another dancer on the second beat. The figure is always done in pairs
Magic Fish
1-2: 1st corners change places by the right shoulder while the 2nd corners petronella into the middle of the line across the set and face each other
3-4: 1st corners dance in an arc around the 2nd corner they are nearest while the 2nd corners signature move up and down.
5-6: 1st corners change places by the right shoulder, turning right to finish facing across while the 2nd corners petronella into the place opposite where they started the dance, facing across
7-8: Everyone signature moves across
9-16: This is an exact repeat of the fist 8 beats, starting from the other position
1-2: Everybody petronella one place around the set ACW, facing across
3-4: Everyone signature moves across
5-16: Repeat 3 more time back to place
Hole In The Wall
1-2: 1st corners change places by the right shoulder while always facing each other, 2nd corners cast out CW to the end of a long diagonal line of 4
3-4: 1st corners signature move on the diagonal while the 2nd corners chase around the 1st corners to each others' place
5-8: Repeat from the other position, 1st corners casting out, 2nd corners crossing through the centre
9-16: Repeat the whole thing again
Trust Exercise
1-2: Petronella forwards and slightly to the right into a line of 4 up and down (2nd corners on the ends, 1st corners in the middle), facing up and down this line
3-4: Everyone signature move with the person you are facing
5-6: 1st corners quickly cast backwards to their right, while the 2nd corners move through the middle of the set between the 1s, slowly turning right into the other 2nd corner position
7-8: Everyone signature moves up and down
9-16: Repeat from these new positions, forming the line across this time
Friends and Lovers
1-2: 1st corners change places by the left shoulder while turning right, always facing the same 2nd corner. 2nd corners turn right 3/4, always having their back facing that 1st corner
3-4: Everyone signature move up and down
5-6: 2nd corners change places by the left shoulder while turning right, always facing the same 1stcorner. 1st corners turn right 3/4, always having their back facing that 2nd corner
7-8: Everyone signature move across
9-16: Repeat back to place